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Joshua Starnes writes...

I am getting ready to write my first professional scripts for animation. At the risk of asking a really broad question, what is the number one thing from your experience you would tell a starting out writer in the medium to keep in mind?

Greg responds...

Proofread relentlessly.

Response recorded on March 20, 2017

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Here's hoping you're in a sharing mood... and to add something to GargWiki's timeline. ;)

From your timeline, you have revealed vague events that line up with a Gathering date and a character played by one of the special guests... so I was wondering if you now had one for ConVergence as it is the Gathering Reunion in 2014, and if so, if you would mind sharing it?

Greg responds...

Gargoyle sympathizers gather for the first time in five years. Vinnie and Demona attend. (Just canon-in-training.)

Response recorded on March 20, 2017

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Donna fan writes...

So, how is season 3 going? Any teases?

Greg responds...

1. Very well.

2. Nope. That's not my thing.

Response recorded on March 16, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg! I hope you are doing well and I want to congratulate you for Young Justice season 3 being commissioned. I cannot wait to see it. Here are my questions:

1. How long was your timeline for Spec Spidey, if you had one? I know you had eventual plans to go into Peter's college years and beyond if you had the chance, so I was curious if you had stories, characters, and events such as deaths, graduations, etc. planned out? I'm not asking what stories you wanted to tell but I am curious if you had a long outline, similar to Garg and YJ.

2. Why did you make MJ and Gwen friends in the series? It was a change I loved and considering where Pete and Gwen end up in the comics and where Pete and MJ end up, I thought it was a brilliant idea.

3. For YJ and Spec, was Jamie Thomasson a comic book fan? I ask because I wonder if him being a possible comic book fan helped him cast parts in the show easier. Did he only rely on your scripts or also on other source material?

Can't wait for YJ season 3 and hoping for Garg comics! And I still hold out hope you can write Spider-Man again in another form! Take care Greg and good luck.

Greg responds...

1. I did have one. But I don't remember how long it was, and I don't have access to it here at my Warner Bros office.

2. I didn't come up with it. They were on and off friends in the comics.

3. You'd have to ask him, but I don't recall him being a hardcore geek like me.

Response recorded on March 16, 2017

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Dony writes...

Queen Bee has the ability to control most men so the first mission to Bialya this season was made of all girls. In this episode, the main squad to capture and transport Blue Beetle to Bialya is made of 3 girls and Impulse...

Why is that? Did you tried to... tell us something about Bart's preferences?!

Greg responds...

No. Robin was there too, which says nothing about the preferences of the boys, the girls or anyone.

Response recorded on March 16, 2017

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ClarkeC writes...

Happy belated holidays. This is more of a ramble of sorts in regards to Gargoyles. Now me personally I'm more of a superhero fan which is why I like Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice better but Gargoyles is still a blast to watch. Going through the archive and watching a couple episodes of Gargoyles, it's easy to see that you put a LOT of thought and passion into it in regards to crafting the Gargoyles mythos. I'm assuming that since it is more or less an original work out of your head and other writers of the show, you probably had a real blast in writing it. The rambles you wrote on how the episodes came together and whatnot were really entertaining to read. Probably my two favorite parts of the show were the Third Race and the Gargoyles interpretation of Arthurian lore. Weaving so many mythologies and folklore under one umbrella was a pretty neat idea. And I had no idea that the island of Avalon came from the legends of Arthur. I know Disney is in control of the property but if they ever give SLG (I think that's the company) the license again I would read it in a heartbeat. You both implied in the show and outright stated so many interesting things about the future of where you going to take the stories that my interest is beyond piqued. Thanks for reading this and hope it didn't waste your time or anything.

Greg responds...

Thanks for the kind words. We always thought we were working firmly in the super-hero genre - bastard genre though it is - in our storytelling, just minus the trappings (capes, tights, etc.). Glad the show's working for you. Obviously, I'd recommend watching all 65 episodes of the first two seasons in order, followed by the eighteen existing issues of the SLG comic book series.

And, yes, we're all hopeful that the comic will come back sooner than later.

Response recorded on March 16, 2017

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Eman writes...

How much thought do you put into the kind of details you talked about at the Blue Mug 2014 panel?

Greg responds...

WAY TOO MUCH. (Although I have no specific memories of what I said in 2014.)

Response recorded on March 14, 2017

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Seth writes...

I've noticed certain common threads in your shows, and I have to ask...what's the deal with your characters using giant staple guns?

Greg responds...

I think they're cool. And different.

Response recorded on March 14, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Do Nightwing and Red Arrow go to college? What subjects do they study? What education do they have?

Greg responds...

Red Arrow may have started college, but as of the end of Season Two, he never finished.

Nightwing did go to college. His education has been eclectic.

Response recorded on March 14, 2017

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Emyy250 writes...

What year was Xanatos born?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 14, 2017

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Hopefully waiting writes...

Hi Greg, I was looking at the archives on Team Atlantis and noticed that you once gave a general synopsis of the Loch Ness monster episode (http://s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=7499).
I am a huge fan of Puck and although I know that the Team Atlantis Puck may or may not be the same character as the Gargoyles Puck, I was wondering if you could give the same sort of synopsis for the Puck episode as you did for the other ones (Loch Ness Monster and Demona episode). I understand if you consider it a spoiler request, just being hopeful based off the other ones! Regardless of whether or not you answer the question, thank you so much for the awesome universes that you have helped to create!

Greg responds...

I'm afraid it's just been too long. I don't remember anything really about it.

Response recorded on March 14, 2017

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CJ writes...

Does the Disney Company exist in the Gargoyles universe? I know for example that Elisa has dressed as Belle and Jasmine for Halloween and that the gargoyles saw Bambie in a movie theater.

Greg responds...

Yes. Clearly. In fact, the Disney Company clearly exists in every universe. ;)

Response recorded on March 14, 2017

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Zack writes...

Is the captain atom in young justice as powerful as yj superman? I ask because he is my favorite leaguer.

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what you mean by powerful. They have different power sets with only some overlap.

Response recorded on March 14, 2017

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Finister2 writes...

1) As there were only 5 screens on Manta's sub, which members of the Light were absent from Black Manta's briefing at the end of "Downtime"?
2) Speaking of which, since its been answered that the Light uses multiple screens when communicating, do all members of the Light make an appearance when their operative's report on their missions?
3) If no, do they update each other or are a few of them just really doing "homework" between briefings?
4) If the Brain joined the Light before his and Humanite's 2008 operations, did he start his criminal career before becoming a disembodied brain in a mechanical dome?
5) If yes, did he still call himself "the Brain"?

Greg responds...

1. I don't remember. And I'm not sure your assessment is accurate. Even if you are right, since Manta was one of the seven members, if there were five screens, then only one member was missing.

2. Depends on availability.

3. Either. Both.

4. I'm not confirming your "if". But, yes, he started before he was just a brain in a dome.

5. Yes.

Response recorded on March 13, 2017

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Hannah writes...

Hi there! I'm a huge fan of the W.I.T.C.H tv series, I grew up on it and it actually inspired me to study animation (first year student)! I recently discovered your speculation about Nerissa and Cassidy being lovers and as a bisexual woman this fills my heart with so much joy (even if it did end in, well, death). I have a few questions about C.H.Y.K.N. if that's okay!

1. Do you believe that Kadma and Halinor had a romantic relationship, either as guardians or later on in life?
2. Was their a reason for Kadma and Halinor's stories being drastically changed in the show? I recall them running and orphanage together in the comics, I'm curious if there was a reason why at least one of them wasn't still on Earth (and why Halinor was written as a loyal follower of the Oracle, and not a defector).
3. What time period exactly were C.H.Y.K.N. at large in? I've calculated the late fifties to mid sixties, but it really depends when the show is set.
4. Was there ever going to be a C.H.Y.KN. arc showing more flashbacks of their time as guardians, if more seasons were produced?

Thank you so much for your time, W.I.T.C.H. is one of my biggest inspirations as an aspiring animator and I especially really enjoyed the second season's plot with the past guardians! I hope you're doing well!

Greg responds...

1. I'm not saying no, but I don't recall ever thinking that.

2. We adapted the comics we had at hand at the time. But we needed to make some changes, both to fit the first season of the television show and to create certain dynamics for our second season. That meant putting all five members of CHYKN in diverse locations, doing different thing so that none of their corruptions would feel repetitive.

3. I don't remember the math.

4. Given enough episodes, I would have loved to do that. I didn't have any specific plans. But I loved the characters.

Response recorded on March 13, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

1. Why was the "Reach Planetary Acquisition Code" created?
2. What does Article 16 say?
2.1. Why was it created?

Greg responds...

1. Bureaucracy happens.

2. I think that was pretty clear from the episode.

3. For situations like that.

Response recorded on March 13, 2017

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Gray Carroll writes...

Hey Greg!
I just wanted to say thank you for your dedication to the Young Justice characters. They're a part of my family, and I know they're a part of yours.
You brought a 30 year old man to tears on announcing season 3. A 30 year old man who must have streamed YJ seasons on Netflix 20+ times and bought all the comics on the dc app.

Did you ever give up hope on season 3? I have followed you guys online and I know you said that there was hope since the show hit Netflix, but was there ever a temptation to share the stories with the fans, thinking the show would never reach season 3? In my mind, these characters and their untold stories were in you both, and they'd reach us all eventually.
It's a most beautiful comeback story.
Noting what happened with season 2, I truly hope the show is on Netflix. To have the greatest stories these characters have ever told, at the whim of sometimes fickle networks would be a little unnerving. Having said that, I do trust that you've both placed our heroes somewhere their stories will be safe.
Thank you for the heroes, thank you for the stories and thank you for never giving up

Greg responds...

1. Hope ebbed and flowed.

2. No temptation to do that. I've learned the hard way that revealing ideas minus their execution is a recipe for disaster. (Or at least mild annoyance.) Certainly, no good comes of it. Besides, there was always the chance it might come back in comic book form.

3 I haven't "placed" the show anywhere. Let's make that clear. I have absolutely ZERO control over where it airs or streams or whatever. ZERO. That's way, way, way above my paygrade. Brandon and I are making the best show we can, but that's where our control ends.

Response recorded on March 13, 2017

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Gerg writes...

What are your favorite non-Big Two comics?

Greg responds...

I'm afraid I'm not reading any right now. I'm mostly only reading DC Rebirth titles now, as potential research for YJ.

Historically, I was a big fan of Love and Rockets and Cerebus and many others.

Response recorded on March 13, 2017

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Jurgan writes...

I have a bad habit of getting DVD's as presents or while they're on sale and not watching them for years. Case in point, I just finally watched my Young Justice episodes. I planned to write a review of season one, and I was a little disappointed at how anticlimactic the whole thing was. Then I realized I only had the first twelve episodes. Well, I've got a little time, so I'll write a season 1 part 1 review.

First, background: I was always more of a Marvel guy, and I know practically nothing about the DC universe. Well, I know a lot about Batman's corner thanks to various TV shows, movies, video games (Arkham City is one of the best games of all time), and a few graphic novels. Aside from that, I could tell you a handful of things about Superman and maybe the names of some other characters. So I'm mostly going in blind on this one. I've heard some descriptions of events from fans on S8, but I don't know who Vandal Savage is anyway (some sort of thousand year old caveman, I think?), so spoilers don't mean much. One funny thing, though, is that I usually watch DVD's with subtitles so I don't miss any dialogue, and in the scenes where the mysterious members of The Light talk, the subtitles gave their names. Like: "Vandal Savage: Blah blah blah. Brain: Blah blah blah." That's a pretty embarrassing slip-up.

It's hard to approach an ensemble show, because there are so many characters we have to get to know. Spectacular Spider-Man was about Peter Parker. Gargoyles was about the Manhattan Clan but almost always seen from Goliath's point of view. But there's not really one "main character" on Young Justice. As a result, the show seemed to focus on quirks as a shortcut to characterization. Things like Robin's playing with pronouns, Wally's souvenir collecting, and "Hello, Megan" are helpful to me, as I often have trouble keeping straight who's who in a large cast. On the other hand, it's not exactly depth of characterization. The only one I really connected with was Aqualad and his conflict over where he belonged and whether he should be leader. I kind of liked Superboy's trying to deal with his "father," as well, and the implied budding romance between Wally and Artemis was cute. Red Arrow/Speedy was a jerk, and Crispin Freeman did a good job making me dislike him. There's potential there, for sure, but I'm hoping we plunge a little deeper into the characters in the back half.

As for the story, it's very different depending on whose POV you have. If we only saw the heroes, it would be almost entirely episodic. Each conflict appears to be separate from the others. My favorite episode was probably whichever one where they all get amnesia. I also liked the prison riot and the bit in episode 12 where Robin and Artemis are the only ones not captured, and Artemis has to save the day. There's an old joke about why the Justice League (or the Avengers, for that matter) have "guy with arrows" in a team of the most powerful people on Earth. This episode has the character herself acknowledge that, and have to overcome the resulting feelings of insecurity. On the other hand, from the villains' perspective it's all connected. Most episodes ended with one of your patented "Xanatos Tags," where the villains muse about how they didn't get everything they wanted but still advanced their overall plan. The Light, whatever they are, are gradually taking over more and more, but they're doing it under the radar so as not to bring down the hammer on themselves. So I like the core concept that Young Justice is also a below the radar group to confront them. At this point, though, it's not really clear what they're after, and some of the tags strain plausibility. They staged a prison riot and mass escape attempt just to get Hugo Strange in charge? That seems like overkill. I guess they also wanted some of the prisoners to escape if possible, but only The Riddler did. I'm hoping he gets a moment of glory later in the show.

So far, I'd say this show is good, not great. I enjoyed it, and there was good action and humor, but the whole thing felt kind of inconsequential. I guess that's the problem with reviewing half a season- it's deliberately not a whole story, so there's no way to know what's important and what's not. Hopefully, it all builds to something bigger and more exciting by the end. I know season 2 involves a five year time skip and is called "Invasion," so that certainly has promise. I'll let you know when I've finished the first season, but for now I'd give it a B, or 3 out of 4 stars.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 10, 2017

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Kreack writes...

How deep is the connection between the League of Shadows and The Light? Is it like a partnership or is the League just another one of their puppets?

Greg responds...


The League of Shadows is run by Ra's al Ghul and has been for centuries. Ra's is a member of the Light, so the Shadows are at the Light's disposal through Ra's. So it's not a partnership. But calling them "puppets" doesn't make any sense either.

Response recorded on March 10, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

How smart is Red Arrow? Did he go to college? Did he make his own equipment after going solo? How did he get his equipment after going solo?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know how to quantify this.

2. As of when?

3. Mostly.

4. Combination of making it and purchasing it.

Response recorded on March 10, 2017

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John writes...

Hi Greg, hope your day is going well, just wanted to say thanks for creating and producing all of these great shows, comics, and novels, and thank you very much for taking time out of your probably busy schedule to answer fan's questions.
1. How long does it take to make an episode of an animated series, like Spectacular Spider-Man or Young Justice?
2. Is Aquaman's son really named Artur, or was that just a typo in the video game?
3. What would it take to relaunch the Young Justice comic book series?
And I know these are probably spoilery, so I won't ask, but Zatanna and Rocket were some of my favorite characters in season one. Really hoping you guys get enough episodes to bring a resolution to the Zatanna/Zatara/Dr.Fate storyline, and we can finally find out who Rocket'a husband is! But if neither of these end up happening, I'm sure we'll get a fantastic Season 3 story from you guys no matter what. Ecstatic that YJ is back!

Greg responds...

1. Depends what you mean. You see, no one makes a SINGLE episode. From coming up with the springboard for the story, all the way through post-production, until it's in the can, it takes somewhere from between ten and thirteen months, depending on the schedule.

2. Artur is correct.

3. It would help if a lot of people bought electronic versions of the issues already published, either on the DC App, Comixology or iTunes.

Response recorded on March 10, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Why are there so many close ups of clocks in "Runaways"? Is it supposed to have any significance?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to each viewer's interpretation.

Response recorded on March 10, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Would Green Beetle be able to deceive Miss Martian in "The Fix" if she wasn't afraid to probe into his mind?

Greg responds...

Potentially. Potentially not.

Response recorded on March 08, 2017

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Bat-Mite writes...

How good a Robin was Jason? Was he at Dick's level as a hero? Did the other Team members like him? Did he have a romantic relationship before he died?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not big on ranking people.

2. Everyone's different.

3. No spoilers.

4. No spoilers.

Response recorded on March 08, 2017

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