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Jason R. Carter writes...

1. How old is Earth-16 Anissa Pierce?
2. How old is Earth-16 Jennifer Pierce?

Greg responds...


Anissa is 6, and Jennifer is 4.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In the "Young Justice" cartoon series:

1. What are the exact requirements for a member of the Justice League to be elected as its leader?

2. From 2003 to 2018, who was elected to become leader of the Justice League, when exactly did their term began and when exactly did it ended?

Greg responds...

1. A majority of votes from the membership.

2. No spoilers. You know that Batman was leader during Season One; Captain Atom, during Season Two, with Black Canary taking over in the last episode. Aquaman (i.e. Kaldur'ahm) and Wonder Woman were co-chairs during Season Three, until the last episode, when they stepped down, and Black Lighting took over.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Chris B writes...

Hey Greg, loved the first three episodes of season 3. My only question is was a different animation studio used this season? It looks a little different than some episodes in seasons 1 and 2.

Greg responds...

Our two studios for Season One and Two were MOI Animation and Lotto Animation.

We used three studios in Season Three: DR Movie, Digital eMation and Studio Mir.

Our only studio for Season Four is Studio Mir.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Black Lightning mentioned "Batman Incorporated." Now I do know what that name means and what its purpose was in the comics, but the big question is this: Is "Batman Incorporated" a real thing or not on "Young Jusitce: Outsiders"

Greg responds...

Depends what you mean by "real thing," I guess.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

"Young Justice: Oustiders" Questions:

1. So the Outsiders on this show is essentially the DC equivalent of Marvel's Secret Avengers...?

2. Barbara is now Oracle; that means "The Killing Joke" happened, right? No point in denying it... Anyway, hope Barbara will be able to recover and walk again...

3. Why is the Roy Harper clone going by the name Will now...? Did you get this idea from Star Trek: The Next Generation; more specifically, William Riker and his duplicate Thomas Riker?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not familiar with Marvel's Secret Avengers.

2. Something happened.

3. Will is Roy's middle name. It's a logical choice for him to give Roy full possession of the "Roy" name. I've seen those Thomas Riker episodes of the Trek franchise, but I don't think we really borrowed it from there. Just the same logic.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Nick writes...

Hi Greg! Today was the day, congrats!

A few questions.
How old is Troia?
How old is Steel?
How old is Ice?
How old is Hardware?
How old was Tara Markov when she disappeared?

Greg responds...

As of the END of TEAM YEAR NINE...

Troia is biologically 20. Chronologically 78.

Steel is 29.

Ice is 22.

Hardware is 36.

Tara Markov is 16. She was abducted at age 13.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Given that there didn't seem to be an repercussions for Black Lightning's accidental killing of a 14 year-old girl, is it fair to surmise that the league found him responsible but not blameworthy for her death?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Heidi writes...

Hello! Apologies if this question has been asked before. Do you know where I can watch Young Justice season 3 if I don't live in the United States? I am from Finland.
Thank you. Have a lovely day.

Greg responds...

I'm afraid I don't know. So sorry.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Brandon holifield writes...

Say how long till gargoyles are in Public domain and when slash if the time comes does that mean you could countinue the series?

Greg responds...

I can't remember the current laws. But I believe Gargoyles will enter public domain somewhere between 75 and 125 YEARS from 1994. The earliest, therefore, would be 2069, when I'll be 106 years old. So... do the math.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Wreck 55 writes...

Just want to start off by saying I watched W.I.T.C.H. for the first time when I was 5 years old and I'm turning 20 next month. I still, to this day, enjoy the show so much so that I can quote from it word for word at my big age (whether thats sad or impressive I'll let you decide). I've also only recently discovered that you, the same guy who had a hand in making my favourite show (W.I.T.C.H.), also had a hand in making another show I love (YJ) - so thank you for bringing me such joy! And thank you for managing to bring YJ back to our screens, I am eagerly awaiting it's return :)

I am aware that one of the main reasons that YJ was able to come back was because fans endlessly binged watched it on Netflix, so I was wondering whether there is any way that you, or we as your fans, could get W.I.T.C.H. on Netflix so that it could possibly enjoy the same successful return? I strongly believe that if the show is put on a platform where it's popularity can be measured, the necessary people will see that the show is worth investing in again. A friend of mine (who's a bit of tom boy and who absolutely LOVES YJ) agreed to watch W.I.T.C.H. because I pestered her to. Three days later she came up to me and demanded to know who Raphael Sylla was and why there were only two seasons of the show - and shes the same age as me!

I also have other bits of evidence that suggest W.I.T.C.H. would have fruitful ratings were it to return to TV, such as countless online petitions by fans asking for a season 3 and also the fact that Yen Press has acquired the rights to remaster and reprint all issues of the comics as graphic novels - which could not only draw previous viewers back to the beloved show but also attract a whole new audience that have never even heard of W.I.T.C.H.. After all, the show did end twelve, nearly thirteen years ago.

Greg responds...

You give me too much credit. I didn't "get" YJ on Netflix. I took advantage of it, once it was there, guiding fans to binge. But I have no ability to "get" a series on to any particular service, channel or network. WAY ABOVE MY PAYGRADE, I'm afraid.

If enough FANS request WITCH for Disney+, maybe they'll listen and put it there. (Netflix is corporately unlikely for WITCH. But Disney+ might be a real possibility.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Alexandra writes...

Dear Greg,
I don't have any questions,but I needed to tell you this.Young Justice was the show of my childhood and it helped grow into the person I am today.Wally's death destroyed me and all I wanted to say is that it would be the perfect gift for a huge fan.Also,I need supermartian back.Tha k you!

Greg responds...

Wally's death is the perfect gift for a huge fan? If you say so.

Glad you love the show!

In any case, by now you know that supermartian is back. At least in Season Three. No spoilers for Season Four.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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BatClan 47 writes...

Some don't like how Tim and Cssie hooked up out of the blue. Is it possible for there to be flahsbacks that detailed things that happened behind the scene? Season 2 had a huge cast compared to season 1, who knows what went on?

Greg responds...

It's all about precious, precious screen time or (in the companion comics) page count. I'd love to do flashbacks, but we need to prioritize what we depict.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Jack Carpenter writes...

What is the core truth of Black Manta?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your interpretation.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Young Justice Questions:

1. When the Appellaxian invasion occurred on Earth in February 2003, where specifically did the fight between them and the Justice League occurred? Did it happen in Metropolis, Gotham City, or some other location...?

2. In the "Reach Apocalypse" future timeline which Bart Allen came from, was the Light ultimately betrayed by the Reach; thus this would be the reason why humanity was enslaved by the Reach?

3. Will "Young Justice: Outsiders" possibly explain why the timeline did not change the way that the 2056 version of Neutron (Nathaniel Tryon) had expected it to be?

4. What were the exact circumstances of the unspecified disgrace that led to Ocean Master's expulsion from the Light..? Was it because Aquaman had somehow found out that his half-brother was Ocean Master, or was it another reason...?

5. After the events of the second season (especially after defeating his father, Black Manta, in combat) and now becoming the new Aquaman in the third season, will Kaldur'ahm face any difficulties in his new position and will he eventually be able to find a new love interest?

Greg responds...

1. We haven't locked this down. We'd probably refer back to the original JLA comics and keep as much as I could.

2. This isn't something we worked out in any detail.

3. He assumed that Mount Justice would be rendered whole. But we know why it was not.

4. No spoilers.

5. By now, you should know the answers to this. If I had answered it at the time, I would have said: No Spoilers.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Based on trailers and some images I've seen on the internet, it seems that most (if not all) of the Justice League members on "Young Justice: Outsiders" appear to be wearing costumes that are exactly the same OR near-similar to those worn by their counterparts from the "DC Animated Movie Universe" (which began with "Justice League: War"). Is there an in-universe explanation for the costume changes that occured between Seasons 2 and 3...?

Greg responds...

One hero updated, and then they all realized they could stand for a change.

(How's that?)

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

When the eggs hatch, do expecting mother gargoyles know instinctively which hatchling is theirs to nurse? Or do they just nurse any hatchling?

Greg responds...

The latter, in essence. They are all rookery mothers to all the hatchlings.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Wild Cobra writes...

Which women have Dick Grayson slept with? Are there any other, besides Zatanna and Barbara?

Greg responds...

A gentleman never tells. Now, if you had asked whom he dated, I might have answered.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Nick writes...

How old is Batwoman?
How old is Halo?
How old is Geo-Force?
How old is Forager?
How old is Metamorpho?

Greg responds...

As of the end of Team Year Nine...

Batwoman is 28.

Halo's body is biologically 17.

Geo-Force is 18.

Forager is 15.

Metamorpho is 36.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

If you had to give Young Justice season 1 a subtitle like Outsiders or Invasion, what would it be?

Greg responds...

Uh... I dunno. Maybe, "YOUNG JUSTICE: THE TEAM" It's kinda wimpy though.

YOUNG JUSTICE: ORIGINS Not quite accurate.


I think, basically, I'm glad I didn't have to.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Jacob Levy writes...

Hello Greg,

Congrats on your amazing work on Spectacular Spider-Man, Garoyles, and upcoming season of YJ.

In Spectacular Spider-Man, Uncle Ben dies in the late spring/early summer. Since Season 3 would have taken place during that time period, were there plans either to acknowledge or have an episode centered around the one-year anniversary of Uncle Ben's death.

Thanks again for creating a fantastic series that will hopefully return someday and best of luck with Young Justice.


Greg responds...

Thank you.

1. Sure.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Jan Rott writes...

The Director knew exactly about Yama's situation and Hunter was able to blackmail him.
a) How did the Director of Yama learn?
b) How did the Director learn about Yamas exile and its reasons?
c) Does the Director really know where Yama's clan is or was it a bluff?

Greg responds...

a. No spoilers.

b. No spoilers.

c. No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Hello :) writes...

Hi Greg. Want to keep this short and simply but I do have to congratulate you and your team for season 3 of Young Justice.

1) And will we, the fans, are going to see all of the team member's origins similar to the comic, Campfire Secrets and Rabbit Holes? I would love to see Batgirl, Troia, Robin II, Beast Boy, Bumblebee....basically the members that join after 2011 but before 2016 (Wonder Girl and Blue Beetle are the exception of course).

2) And this one is just a random question but, does Barbara Gordon have a close relationship with her mom?

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...


1. Someday, I hope.

2. Her late mom?

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg, Do you know if the new young justice season is going to be dubbed in any other language than english?

Greg responds...

I do not know. Sorry.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Did Superboy and Miss Martian get back together in Endgame or on their way to do so?

Greg responds...

It was a first half-step. But you need to read the companion comic stories "Torch Songs, Parts One and Two" to see where that first half-step led.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

What kind of relationship would Samsom and Nick (that was the name of descendant of Goliath and Elisa's adopted child, wasn't it?) have in "Gargoyles 2198"?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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