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Xanatos, David

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Todd Jensen writes...

A question about Xanatos's attempts to capture the clan in "The Edge" and "Re-awakening".

Xanatos's original goal for the gargoyles was to serve as his henchmen, the purpose for which he awakened them in "Awakening". However, after they discovered his true purpose for them, that prospect was clearly no longer an option. Xanatos seems to have, for the most part, recognized that, since a lot of his schemes after "Awakening" turned towards making his own gargoyles (the Steel Clan, the Mutates, Thailog) who would be more willing to serve him. But in "The Edge" and "Re-Awakening", he still attempts to capture Goliath and his clan, even though he was clearly aware that the ship had sailed on their continuing to work for him.

In "The Edge", of course, Xanatos had other goals besides just capturing the gargoyles or discovering their hiding place (giving the Eye of Odin to the MOMA and then stealing it back so that he could enjoy the benefits of donating the Eye and still have it in his possession, testing his gargoyle armor, testing himself against Goliath to make certain that he wasn't losing his edge), and in the case of "Re-Awakening", Xanatos clearly had uses for Coldstone other than fighting the gargoyles (as the raid on the Golden Bakery Building in "Legion" made clear). But the fact that he was still making a major objective of capturing the gargoyles in both of those stories indicates that he still wanted the clan.

Since (as I mentioned above) Xanatos knew by this time that the gargoyles were on to him and that he couldn't hope to dupe them again into, say, stealing technology from rival corporations, what was he hoping to achieve by taking the clan prisoner? Did he have other plans for having the gargoyles work for him than duping them? Or (as "The Price" suggests) did he have plans for making the gargoyles useful to him that didn't require their being his henchmen?

Greg responds...

Contingencies under contingencies. Plans upon plans. That's our boy David. I wouldn't rule out the notion that he still hoped to turn them back to his side. I certainly buy into the idea, that in any case he wanted them under his control, under his eye, beholden, on his property, etc.

Kinda like the way things turned out at the end of Hunter's Moon, you know?

Response recorded on October 06, 2006

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snoop g'rgg writes...

Why didn't Xanatos use his power and influence to have Elisa kick off the force or have her kill?

Greg responds...

Why would he do either of those things? What possible motivation would he have? How would that aid his cause AT ALL?

Response recorded on August 30, 2006

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Entity994 writes...


I'm not big on relating my entire reaction to an episode, but highlighting certain key reactions of mine that stand out. I'll start with the negative. The idea that this Matrix could be so rapidly developed by Xanatos along with all his other projects struck me as reaching a little far. That he never chooses to use the technology for commercial gain in industry (nanite construction) or medicine (nanite healers) also threw me.

Of course, this was Fox's and Anastasia's experiment, not so much Xanatos'. I liked the notion that perhaps Anastasia infused the Matrix with magic in order to accelerate it. I also choose to believe that the Matrix represented, for Xanatos, a sort of dark temptation. I like to think that after the failure in Australia, Xanatos decides it was for the best and that transfiguring the whole world for his purposes is not him, it is the deep inner demon in him that must be silenced. I think Xanatos is a guy who values reason and considers it the barrier and interpreter between his dark, inner demon and his outer surface of grace, charm and tact.

Anyway, I loved Dingo, the Shaman, and the Dreamtime. Neither the Shaman nor the Dreamtime were very thoroughly developed, but that is what I liked about them. The spare dialogue made the Shaman and the Dreamtime feel more mysterious and therefore attractive. The way the Dreamtime was used as a bridge of communication with the Matrix was a stroke of brilliance, I thought.

Finally, in the Dreamtime, I loved the way the Matrix is represented -- as that mechanical set of arms and gyroscopic "eye" that zooms in on Goliath like an insect as he gives his gloriously-written and very eloquent speech, which I also loved. Tha whole scene is perfect and made the episode for me. I love the stuff Goliath will say in a tight spot that manages to convey desparation and maintains eloquence at the same time.

Greg responds...

I'm glad there was so much that you liked. I hate to therefore pick on the little bit of negative that you mentioned, but I can't resist, because it raises a larger point.

"The idea that this Matrix could be so rapidly developed by Xanatos along with all his other projects struck me as reaching a little far. That he never chooses to use the technology for commercial gain in industry (nanite construction) or medicine (nanite healers) also threw me. "

Except you don't know that any of the above statements are true. The fact that we hadn't shined a spotlight on this area of his conglomerate until "Walkabout" hardly proves that he (a) hadn't been in development of this tech for some time or (b) that he wasn't -- both before and after events depicted here -- attempting to exploit the tech industrially. Xanatos Enterprises is a BIG company, and most of their endeavors are, well, dull. The fact that I'm only telling the interesting stories doesn't prove that the mundane isn't taking place behind the scenes.

Response recorded on August 29, 2006

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Fluffy writes...

Refering to the choice Xanatose made with Owen.
Just how did Owen show himself as puck to Xanatose with out brakeing Oberon's law?

Greg responds...

that's a whole story...

Response recorded on February 03, 2006

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Arwen Black writes...

a)Do you know how all of the star trek- people got involved in the show, there's so many of them.

b) i just started watching Star treck; the next genoration a few months back, and when i first started watchin the show i had an ishue... every time riker talked, i pictured xanatos. dont think i'm weird or anyhting (tho i kinda am, but whatever) but i was wondering if you wathced ST:TNG, has this ever hapened to you??

Greg responds...

a) I've answered this MANY times before. Check out the Voice Talent section of the ASK GREG archives.

b) Well, I did watch TNG... and started watching it before we hired Jonathan to play Xanatos. But there was that one episode of DS9 with the Riker clone, where I really felt like Frakes was doing Xanatos doing Riker. (There was also an episode of WINGS like that.)

Response recorded on October 28, 2005

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Lawrence Matheson writes...

When Did Xanitos become a member of the Illuminati, did the letter he sent himself have anything to do with it?(other than his wealth)P.S any fans of the show who thinks they can answer this question can write to me at opinionsrgood@hotmail.com

Greg responds...

Xanatos was already a member of the organization when we first met him in "Awakening, Part Two". His medieval stint may indeed have had something to do with his admittance.

Response recorded on September 06, 2005

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Phoenician writes...

Hey Greg,

I'm was just wondering: What does Xanatos Enterprises actually do anything in a business like way?
I know it's rival is mainly Cyberbiotics (Especially in "Outfoxed" when its seen that destroying Reynard's company would let Xanatos monopolize the industry), and that company deals with robots and such, but does Xanatos do any business besides SteelClan Robots, The "Cold" androids (Such As ColdStone, ColdFire, and ColdSteel), The Illuminati, Gen-U-Tech, Pack Media, and other shady Deals? The Matrix may be one, but I'm not sure, seeing Anastasia Reynard/Titania in that episode makes me think of Cyberbiotics.

Greg responds...

The Matrix was not a Cyberbiotics project, but a Xanatos Enterprises project.

XE is a multi-national conglomerate. The fact that its Scarab Corp subsidiery secretly manufactures Steel Clan Robots, doesn't prevent Scarab from being involved in more legit robotic endeavors, such as RECAP.

And the fact that Gen-U-Tech, another subsidiary, secretly manufactures Mutates, doesn't prevent it from doing legitimate and profitable genetic and medical research.

Xanatos also owns PackMedia and PackMedia Studios, producing legit television programming.

And etc., etc.

With David, nothing's ever wasted.

Response recorded on July 01, 2005

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Dasrik writes...

I know you hate hypotheticals, Greg, but this one has been kind of bugging me.

We all know Xanatos is given to fits of megalomania...

If he had chosen the wish instead of servitude, do you think Puck would have had the power to grant it?

Greg responds...

Xanatos is given to fits of megalomania? I don't think so. When has he EVER demonstrated any megalomania (and "Future Tense" doesn't count) at all?

If he had chosen the wish, I assume it would have been for immortality. Puck MIGHT have been able to grant that. But not without a price.

And you're right. I hate hypotheticals.

Response recorded on May 12, 2005

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Lawrence Matheson writes...

How similar are coyote 1.0 and the program Xanitos put on Coldstone to monitor his personalities as they both seemed to be based on Xanitos but were either an AI?Did they know of each other?

Greg responds...

I'm sure they had similarities. Neither were full-fledged Artificial Intelligences. Did they know of each other? Uh... I don't know. Never thought about it. Does it matter?

Response recorded on April 28, 2005

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Francois Ferland writes...

Hi Greg. Another question, a short(er!) one this time concerning Xanatos.

1. Following "The Journey", you said Xanatos would still retain his ambitions despite having different priorities now and having made peace with Goliath.

Since Xanatos has a tendency to be a bit ruthless whenever it fits his goals, were you planing on having this cause tension between him and the clan in the future, who would obviously be aware of some of his dealings now that they're back on his doorstep? I doubt Goliath would be happy finding out the landlord was involved in immoral business similar to the Matrix or the Mutates...

Thanks again for listening, we really appreciate it!

Greg responds...

Xanatos isn't a dope. He'd take precautions to keep his business private. And I don't see his basic methods changing, even if his priorities have shifted. And I don't see Goliath suddenly developing complete trust in David either...

So you do the math...

Response recorded on April 15, 2005

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