A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hi Greg
I help run an animation society at my university (it's in the UK so I can't organised a trip to the gathering and charge it to the Uni :( ) and I've just started showing the first season Gargoyles and everyone's loving it. I'm making a few new fans and rekindling some old ones.
I've also just got some brilliant news; my local comic show is getting in the 'Bad Guys' comics (unfortunately they can't get the main Gargoyles book for some reason). So I'll try to get as many people reading that book as I can.
So I have two questions for you:
1) Is there anything about the first season, or the show in general, that you'd like to mention to new fans just getting into it?
2) Since we can't feasibly watch all of the second season is there any episodes from that season that you'd recommend we watch? Bear in mind I've already got plans to show 'The Mirror' and 'City Of Stone 1-4' once we've finished watching season 1.
Have a good day.
First off -- I gotta say it just makes NO sense that a shop that can carry Bad Guys wouldn't also have access to Gargoyles itself. So really, I'd question that big time.
1. Nope. Just enjoy. I think the show stands up pretty well on its own. And then if they are curious and want MORE info, they can always come here or to the S8 comment room, etc.
2. Well, frankly, I'd start with the beginning of the season and go through as many episodes as you can in order. It doesn't seem useful to watch 'em out of order... and I like 'em all. Plus that might encourage some dvd sales, when people want more.