A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hallo and merry X-mas Mr. Weisman,
a few days ago I visited a page where I was able to watch "Gargoyles". It wasn´t the first time I watched this series, in fact i was and i still am a big fan of "Gargoyles". After watching the first 13 episodes, i ask myself the question, if it is posible to make a movie like "Spiderman" or " Transformers" about these first episodes. These films look (more or less) real, so it must be posible to make the "Gargoyles" become real to. I hope you will understand, what i tried to say.
Well i am from Germany and my english is not the best, but i hope i get an answer.
Thanks for reading
Lou, you're English is fine, but I'm going to refer you to the ASK GREG Archives, specifically the Live-Action Movie section, so that I don't have to answer a question I've answered many times in the past.