A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Greg, why is it that you and many others feel that the final season of gargoyles was terrible? I liked it just as much as the prior seasons and I know it doesnt have as much intellect as seasons 1 and 2 but I still felt that, that season was just as good.
I dont know if this second question has been answered yet but will there be more gargoyle comics? I just received one and two and plan on getting the rest soon. Also why do comics one and two seem to be exactly like the episodes following the end of season 2?
This has been answered, copiously, elsewhere in the ASK GREG archives. Feel free to search there for a more complete response.
But in short...
You are WELCOME to enjoy the Goliath Chronicles, but don't expect me to do the same. I feel like many characters behaved out-of-characters, and in general, I felt the quality level of the third season wasn't up to the level of the first two. But to each his or her own.
As for the first two episodes of the comic, I felt I needed to use my script of "The Journey", which was altered considerably for "Goliath Chronicles" in order to introduce MY version of the third season.