A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hey Greg,
Can't wait for The Spectacular Spider-Man, by the time you read this it will have already aired, and you'll probably have another message from me telling you how incredible it was. I'm a huge Spider-Man fan (and an even huger Gargoyles fan) and I know that with you behind the wheel, we're in for a great show.
That was more of a comment, so here's my question:
Any chance that you could give us an update on how things are going for:
a) Gargoyles #8 and Bag Guys #2, any updates on how things are coming along, whether they've been approved or approximately when we can expect them? Sorry to bug you about it but I'm just so excited to see where both new issues will take us.
b) Clan-Building Volume 1, did it sell well? I know I did my part, I bought 4, and I've reread it at least 20 times. It's nice to have them in a compact form, and I love the size of the book. I was expecting it to be about the size of the individual issues, but I was pleasantly surprised (it's the perfect size to read in class and not get caught :P).
I also bought two of the new t-shirt, so hopefully that'll help send Disney the message that we want more Gargoyles merchandise!
Thanks a lot for everything, it's so great to have Gargoyles to look forward to again. Here's to hoping for the Season 2, Volume 2 DVD, and the renewal of the license for the comics!
a) See my answer to the previous question.
b) Don't know.