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Ricky writes...

Hey Greg,

This is my last question-posting, it'll be my third today, so I'll have filled my geekly quota!

I just (not two minutes ago) read about SLG switching formats to only putting out graphic novels. If the license is renewed, I think this could bode incredibly well for Gargoyles. Here are my thoughts on why:

1. Given the fact that a graphic novel is the same as a trade, and we got three complete stories in Clan-Building Vol 1, this would mean we would get a much larger helping of Gargoyles in one sitting. Whether it's an entire arc in one book, or one arc and the beginning of the next, or just a bunch of standalones, I think it would feel really satisfying, especially to those of us who crave Gargoyles like addicts.

2. Increased sales (which I'm sure appeals to everyone for a multitude of reasons). What happens a lot, which I'm sure you know but I'll say anyway, is that a lot of people by the individual issues and then don't by the trade, or people simply wait for the trade, which means lower sales for the issues. Releasing Gargoyles as a graphic novel and not as individual issues could mean that sales for the individual issues and the trade won't be sort of competing in that way.

3. No delays between individual issues and less delay between the completion of a story arc. Personally the delays don't bother me, I'd wait years if I had to for the next issue (I'd probably just run around like a chicken without a head). But I know that some people get discouraged and become uninterested as a result of them.

4. Less production costs. I'm assuming printing individual issues AND a trade would cost more than just producing graphic novels.

5. Hopefully less approval time from Disney. This might be a stretch, but I dunno… it's good to be hopeful.

6. Well, I'm sure there are plenty more reasons that my feeble little brain have yet to think of, but I'm sure someone else will, and you've probably thought of them all by now anyway.

Ok, so, now that I'm done with all my blabber, we can get to the actual questions.

1) You said in the past that you were unsure about whether or not the Gargoyles license will be renewed. Has there been any change, good or bad, that may have changed your feelings about that?

2) I read on a forum (yea, I know, not a very reliable source) that Dan Vado had stated that he planned to let every Disney license lapse except for Gargoyles. Do you know if there's any truth to this? Is it something he might have said in the past that may have changed? Or…is it just BS I read on a forum? 

3) Dumb question. Will you be discussing the possibility of Gargoyles continuing in this format before the final decision is made about the renewal of the license?

Ok, that's all for now. Sorry to take up so much of your time, I've just got a lot of things running through my head at once, and wanted to get them all out.

Thanks again for everything!

Greg responds...

1. At WonderCon, Dan said he planned to renew it. But he hadn't heard back from Disney yet. So it's looking more hopeful, but it's not definite.

2. I have no idea what he's planning for the other licenses.

3. I have no direct knowledge of this graphic novel thing. Dan hasn't mentioned it to me. But I'd be fine doing it that way, I guess.

Response recorded on March 13, 2008