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Ricky writes...

Hey Greg,

I was just wondering who decides if and when cover images get released before the issues come out? I'm guessing they're released to entice readers, so I was wondering why we haven't seen more cover images that are finished. Obviously since Gargoyles #8 is expected to be released soon, the cover is finished, but we haven't seen it yet. You also told us, at the beginning of Feb., that #9 was finished and inked, but had to be colored, is it finished? Also, we've seen some unfinished Bad Guys covers but not the finished versions, except for #4.

I'm not trying to rush you or anything, and if it sounds like I'm being annoying, I am truly sorry, that is absolutely not my intention. It's just that I live for those little peeks at the covers to hold me over until the issues come out.

Most likely, this all has nothing to do with you, but I figured asking couldn't hurt. Do you know anything about this process? Is there any way to release the cover images of G#8 and BG#2 before the issues themselves are released?

Thanks a lot for your time! I'm incredibly grateful.

Greg responds...

I don't know. Though it may have to do with WHEN a cover is finished. If it's done AFTER the solicitation date, then it's too late to be released WITH the solicitation, so it just doesn't get out there until it's literally out there. But that's just a guess.

Response recorded on April 15, 2008