A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Firstly, thx much to all who've contributed to this excellent webpage; the quantity of Gargoyles show information is almost overwhelming (at least to a new fan like myself)! And thx especially to Greg Weisman, for creating such a truly unique and remarkably clever animated series.
I never watched Gargoyles in my younger years and now, thirty years of age, have become a total fan-- originally from just watching The Awakening movie (w/ some kids I was babysitting years ago), then eventually from buying the DVDs of the first season and the first half of the second season.
I've now watched the DVDs repeatedly and have become increasingly impressed with the complex storyline and character development, surprisingly clever dialogue, and cool action/fantasy animation. It truly is an awesome show, extraordinarily entertaining, even for adults.
I've been reading all the threads here and on Amazon about the reasons we haven't seen the release of the second volume of the second season. The situation for a fan like me (who's never watched the show on television) is that there's this utter blankness, after watching the shows on the DVDs-- without even the vaguest remembrance of how the story continues. It's like reading the first half of some very enjoyable book and then having the book cruelly yanked away from my hold! So unfair!
I am one of those people who doesn't have television at my place (just TV sets to watch DVDs) so I cannot even watch any repeats of the show on cable (although I am seriously considering *paying* friends who have TiVo to record any/all episodes of Gargoyles for me, that I might watch them on their TVs).
So my questions to Greg Weisman or anyone else who reads this (apologies for the lengthy background info) is: what might be the best way for a viewer like me to encounter the rest of the Gargoyles story? Do the comic books tell the stories I haven't seen yet . . . and if so, should I read them in a specific order? Or are there detailed episode descriptions somewhere online that you'd recommend?
I really wish it was not an unacceptable violation of creative copyright for me to offer a fan of Gargoyles money for VHS/DVD copies of the second half of the show-- because I so want to view the rest of the series!
Mr. Weisman: you must have access to all the recorded shows. So if you were offered a large sum (to be distributed among all who have a share of the Gargoyles copyright . . . including Disney, if it must be <g>) for DVD-R copies of the episodes of the second half of the second season of Gargoyles-- and perhaps the third season-- to be purchased by fans for private viewing only . . . that would be legal, right? (All right, I don't personally have a large sum . . . but perhaps fans here on s8.org could create a shared fund for this purpose . . . ?)
I have the same DVDs that you have, and I have a single old VHS copy of every episode. But there's NO WAY that Disney would approve me releasing the missing episodes on my own, even if I were inclined and/or had the technical ability, etc. I think your idea of asking buddies to record the shows for you off Toon Disney/Jetix is a good one, frankly. (There's also YouTube, though God knows that's a god awful way of viewing anything.) Other than that... we're all a bit screwed until BVHE decides to release that last set.
I'd still recommend the comics. Any information you NEED is refreshed in any given issue. And frankly, the better the comics sell, the more likely the DVD release becomes.