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Osman Pasha writes...

Hello Greg,
And again there is a quistion about W.i.t.c.h songs "Will to Love" and "Deamon in Me")))
I'm sure you have chords for the songs, sinse it is you who wrote them. Could you please share it? You published the lyrics, and I think publishing chords is not a bigger violation of the copyright than publishing lyrics.
We like the songs wery much and if we could play them ourselves, it would be great! I think Disney must admit that this will lift the popularity of the show and wont do them any harm or disadvantage, sinse they don't profit from keeping chords from public. But I suppose Disney don't read this page, so you can drop the previous sentence.

Greg responds...

I did NOT write the music, only the lyrics to Will To Love. The lyric to Demon in Me was written by Jon Weisman. The music was written by Noam Kaniel. He's French. In any case, I don't know the chords.

Response recorded on June 25, 2008