A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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I am a huge fan of the Spectaculare Spiderman!!I have a few questons.
1.What do you think of the 90's spiderman series?
2.Is there a chance that we might see a homage to amazing spiderman 33# in the Master Planner arc?
3.Why did you let Dr.Connors have a robotic arm?(dont get me wrong I love the idea!!)
4.Has the death of Captin Stacy and Gwen Stacy interested you in a way?
5.What is your favorite Spidey villan?
6.Do you get quips from diffrn source material or do you just make it up on the spot?
7.Has it been hard getting these things(sex lingo,saying death and kill .ect)?
8.Why did you stick with the J.K. Siimmons voice for Jamason?(Once again I still like it)
9.Who came up with the hilariouse words joke between peter and Jamason?
10.Who cam up with the baby found driving her car joke?
11.Any possability of a Spectacular Spiderman video game in the future?
12.Will the comic con footage be online any time soon?(The guys at superheroehype are going nuts waiting for it!!!)
Thats all!!Love the show mister wiesmen!!I will keep watching for sure!!
1. I haven't seen much of it.
2. I'm not going to scoop myself on this site.
3. It was a prosthetic arm, not a robotic arm.
4. I'm not sure what you mean by "interested".
5. I don't have a single favorite.
6. Mostly my writers and I come up with them to suit the situation.
7. We do have S&P concerns at times. But what you've seen is what we got. So I'm not complaining.
8. We didn't. Daran Norris plays Jonah.
9. The writers and I. Sometimes Daran throws something funny in too.
10. Andrew Robinson.
11. I don't know.
12. I think it's up now.