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Todd Jensen writes...

I'd like to thank you for the birthday present. "Bad Guys" #4 came out on August 20, my birthday, so I consider it a birthday present from you (though purely thanks to the coincidence of timing).

I'd suspected that Sevarius's plan to mutate a lot of people at one go (mentioned in the teaser at the end of #3) would involve the New Year's Eve celebration in Times Square, after it was revealed in #3 that this adventure was taking place on New Year's Eve (the New Year's Eve Celebrity Hockey marathon) - but I was cautious at the same time, simply because such schemes have shown up so often in super-hero cartoons. (I've seen two Batman cartoons where the villain - in one case, the Joker himself - was attempting to gas Gotham City during its equivalent of the Times Square countdown, and it seemed too much of a cliche. But then I remembered that this *is* Sevarius we're talking about, and so the idea didn't seem so improbable. I was pleased that my suspicion was correct.

While Sevarius is his usual over-the-top self, his mutating got much darker than in "Metamorphosis". For one thing, he's now including children among his victims. And then there's Tasha's suicide, which took me by surprise. I wonder who employed him to produce so many Mutates, incidentally.

Fang was his usual loudmouth self (I particularly liked his grumbling over Sevarius having to be so over-the-top as to have the virus go off at precisely midnight). And he showed how insensitive he can be when he dared make a joke about Tasha's hanging herself (I can't say I blame Yama for responding as he did). I'm not surprised that nobody on the Redemption Squad (except for the still off-stage Director, and possibly Matrix - we didn't see his response) wants him on the team.

Was the DNA sample from Angela left over from "Monsters" (when Sevarius took samples from her and thereby learned of her parentage) or from the more recent Double Date Halloween battle?

Trust Brendan and Margot to be present at the countdown (and their usual selves, too).

More Dingo-and-Matrix interaction (I liked Dingo's protest when Matrix "abandoned" him to stop the virus from escaping, and Matrix's explanation). Those two make a fun team.

I'm looking forward to #5 (whether it comes out as a single issue or as part of the trade paperback collection), and the identity of the mystery figure from Dingo's past. (I have a suspicion as to who he might be, but because of the "no ideas" rule, all that I'll say is that it has to do with Dingo's real name - and where else I've come across it before).

Once again, thank you for the birthday present, Greg.

Greg responds...

Angela's sample was from "Monsters".

Response recorded on October 13, 2008