A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hey, Mr. Weisman, I have a question.
I know you served as the director for W.I.T.C.H's second and final season. Many people attribute the fact that W.I.T.C.H never really caught on as well as it could have to it's first season, which deviated heavily from the spirit of the source material. As I've heard you made it a big goal to do better with that in the second season, I'd like to ask: if you had been working on W.I.T.C.H from the start (the first season), what would you have done differently? How would the whole Meridian/Phobos/Elyon storyline have gone under your direction?
I served as Supervisory Producer for the second season of W.I.T.C.H. I was not the director.
Your question is impossible to answer. There are too many "IF"s in that hypothetical. If I had been in charge. If Disney had told me it was a comedy show for the Disney Channel set in a high school with a little magic thrown in and then halfway through production changed their collective mind to make it a fantasy action show with a little comedy for Jetix instead (which is what happened to the Season One producers). Etc.