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Marn Hierogryph writes...

Why couldn't Spider-Man be more like W.I.T.C.H. and less like Gargoyles. The villains were all under developed and the girls were all shallow.

There's background characters than there's main character's who are underused. For example, did we really need Mysterio, Kraven, Colonel Jupiter, and Molten Man? We already had plenty of villains who still needed developing, so adding new ones only made things feel more crowded. Those episodes could have been better used to help the Tombstone gangwar stuff, or the Goblin stuff (even though technically MM was part of the Goblin arc)

Why not just focus on one villain for a certain amount of episodes. Tell a complete story. Finish that villain off and then move to the next one? Why does it have to be "villain of the week?"

I would say having the established characters develop would make it fresh (For example, rather than just have him just pop up for a fight all the time, let Electro be cured, or regain his sanity/goodness and become a hero, or show him confiding in Eddie/Conners about his actions and show conflict) if you just add new characters to keep things fresh, then it's just delaying the inevitable. Plus I'm reminded of that Poochie episode of the Simpson.

The thing with that is we're not getting to read these books, just look at the covers over and over again while they tease us with the content inside them. Sure, the show is giving us new characters, but if all that entails is "Villain shows up, tries to take over the word, fails, tries again next week" then I'd rather stick with a smaller cast who's motives and characterization moves beyond that and have their stories become more complex and intuitive.

I suppose that's the base problem with franchises, introducing things just for the sake of the people who liked it in other mediums, as opposed to what's actually beneficial to the show itself and what would make for ideal storytelling.

I found them both kind of shoehorned in and took away focus from the real villain the arc was about. Instead of Jupiter and Molten Man, we could get more focus on Venom and Goblin, who are severely lacking in terms of characterization and development in the show so far.

For what it's worth, I won't be watching the third season (if there is one) since it's clear now this show isn't what I was hoping for.

Greg responds...

Were there any ACTUAL questions in there, or is this just a single tirade, with some of it phrased as questions?

Look, obviously, I'm sorry the series isn't working for you. But I don't regret any of our choices. Doing ALL our (for example) Electro stories in a row and then writing that character off forever, hardly seems like a sensible solution. That would proclude him interacting with and/or changing because of other characters. Most of the series I do, including Spidey, Gargoyles and W.I.T.C.H., are written as tapestries. You can follow individual threads, or you can step back and take in the whole picture with it's (admittedly) cast of thousands. Over time, all characters will get more development. I'd preach patience, but you're clearly out of it with us, and I guess I have to respect that.

Response recorded on May 11, 2009