A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hey Greg, may i ask you something? What would you do If Disney decided to put Gargoyles In Their Kingdom Hearts Series, or they and Allan Moore decide to Put Gargoyles in The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen? If you know what those series are? Would you want to have anything to do with it? I know they won't be considered canon, but would you want to work on it, after all they're your characters and you're with them to the end, would you want to help with those series, like you'll guide the others on what Goliath would do or what he wouldn't do, or you know just try to put them in the Universes of those two series? What would you Do?
Well... I'd be all for Gargoyles going into Kingdom Hearts, and I'd be happy to work with those folks. Unfortunately, no one has asked.
As for, LOEG, that's seems an even more unlikely hypothetical. But what the hell? If Alan and Disney somehow made a deal ... and if Alan wanted my help... well, both scenarios are just nonsensical, but, yes, I suppose I'd be game to play along.