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Hi Greg,
If I'm remembering correctly, Elisa and Goliath only figure out that Macbeth and Demona were being controlled by the Weird Sisters when they reach Avalon. So after the events of High Noon, what steps were taken to protect the clock tower, as it appeared that now both Macbeth AND Demona knew where they slept, and could come by any time they felt like it and destroy them when the sun was up? Of course with Macbeth and Demona whisked off to Avalon retaining no memory of what they did, the gargoyles were perfectly safe for the time being--but they didn't know that. Being vulnerable to Xanatos in the same way was the main reason Elisa pushed so hard for the Gargoyles to move house. I know not much time passed between the events of High Noon on Nov. 14th and the day Goliath, Bronx and Elisa went with Tom to Avalon, but the repercussions of those events seem too important for the gargoyles to ignore.
Was anything done to protect the police station's entrance to the clock tower where the gargoyles live? Was it discussed at any length? Just very curious to know how Elisa and Goliath adjusted to this (to them, at least) major breach of home safety.
It's a fair question, but I don't have a really cool answer. I just haven't thought about it. I think they know Macbeth well enough at this point to believe he wouldn't attack them while they slept. But they can't have been as sanguine about Demona, though I suppose I can semi-buy the notion that Goliath would feel that Demona might be willing to kill them in a hundred ways BUT NOT by smashing them while they slept. That doesn't mean it's true, just that Goliath could talk himself into believing it's true. And, as we know, he can be stubborn when he gets an idée fixe.