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XenothranHero writes...

Dear Greg,
First off, just wanted to say that I love Gargoyles; great show, very inspirational in my own work. That being said, here's my question:

If you recall, Doug Walker of Nostalgia Critic fame added lyrics to the Gargoyles theme a while back. This time, he has released a full fledged review of the series as the Nostalgia Critic (Which, unsurprisingly, is a very positive review).-http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/nostalgia-critic/8726-gargoyles
My question is, does Walker express the kind of things in his review that you had hoped would result from Gargoyles (ie, is his review the kind of review you would have been hoping to hear when Gargoyles first came out)?

Greg responds...

We had many good reviews when Gargoyles first came out. I liked NC's review too.

(I can't believe I'm actually being asked to review the reviews! ;P )

Response recorded on August 17, 2009