A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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if season 3 is confirmed by the time this question gets to you congrats and thank god, if not then i have some reasons it should.
the best animated show ever.
spiderman 4 rolls around the time season 3 will get done.
the ratings will be through the roof.
i know its all about the money and just think how much they would get.
the cliffhanger yous had just made us want it more.
these are only some, there is a lot more than this i can name, this series is amazing, hope this series gets at least 5 seasons and at most non-stop. i do have a question.
in the direct to dvd things you have planned if you get 5 seasons and you do a direct to dvd "death of captain stacy" or "death of gwen stacey" will you continue the story or just make these dvds for the thrill of it.
I don't get to do much in this business just for "the thrill of it".