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Grey Wolf writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,

This is Grey Wolf, I was that shy 14 year-old at the 11th Gathering. Unlike a lot of people, I’m not a whole lot LESS shy online. Sorry. But I do tend to express myself a bit better in writing than actual speech.
I got the news that this very well might be the last Gathering of the Gargoyles, and while I’m bummed, this did give me the push I needed to write this comment/question/appeal. Here goes…

Gargoyles really struck a cord with me. I realize you get that quite often, but that’s because it’s true. I was (okay, maybe still am) a bit of an outsider-looking-in with a feverish love for stories. Having Aspergers Syndrome (a mild Autism Spectrum Disorder), watching cartoons gave me a better understanding of body language and facial expressions which are generally exaggerated for TV. I got into Gargoyles long after its original run, but between DVDs and bouts of insomnia, I grew to love it.
Plot is an important part of storytelling, ‘cause without plot, there’s no story. But more important than a good plot, are good characters. Thanks for not making me settle for one or the other : ) Obviously, the Manhattan Clan holds a special place in my heart. Hudson’s slow adjustment to 20th century life mirrored my own reluctance for change. Broadway’s optimism had to have touched even the hardest cynic. Brooklyn’s lust for adventure and ambition hit the romantic explorer within me. Goliath’s somewhat solemn demeanor and true desire for what’s best for the clan made him somewhat of an idealistic leader to me. Bronx, a character in his own right, was a reminder that our ‘primitive’ selves, full of loyalty and courage, should not be buried too deep. Lexington’s cautious curiosity was so like my own desire to interact with a world that, at the same time, was so intimidating to me. Elisa’s idealism for as a police officer and acceptance of the gargoyles made for a great hero figure for a young girl to follow. Angela’s inability to understand just WHY everyone can’t (won’t?) get along was something I shared (share).
I could go ahead and list every character from the show, but that would more or less be stalling, because I have two specific characters in mind for this post: Puck and Oberon. Yeah, I know, they’re not actual gargoyles AND they’re also Shakespearian characters--- yet, I wouldn’t love them so much (maybe not have learned of them at all) if it weren’t for Gargoyles and your characterization of them.
Puck had a sense of humor, something I had to LEARN. He was childish, antagonistic, playful, and FUN. I can only wish I had the same wit and carefree state of mind. Granted, I’m a bit more mature than he is (thank God), but still; Puck’s pretty darn awesome.
Oberon scared the frig out of me at first. Something with THAT much power and THAT much ego went against everything I ever learned about the balance between power and responsibility. But deep down, he’s not such a bad guy; just… sort of a baby (oooh, don’t tell him I said that!). His hissy fits would have been comical if they weren’t so dangerous, and didn’t have such dire consequences. In my meekness, maybe I envied his self-confidence.
I can forgive them their moral lapses on the basis that they seem…. adolescent, almost? (Like I should talk…) It seems the not-so-nice things they do are more out of impulse than malice. Intent means SOMETHING, right?
Okay, now to my point. Obie and Puck seemed pretty tight in a Midsummer Night’s Dream, and even after the DEBACLE The Gathering Parts I and II, you’ve hinted to the idea that they still care for each other.
Alright, I’m a softie. Puck’s banishment at the hands of someone he loved (you have to feel some affection for the person you serve to be a good servant, right?) was absolutely heart wrenching! Okay, I felt a little bad for Oberon, too. He felt betrayed, and frankly, banishing his servant is gonna come back to bite him in the rear sooner or later. I cried, and MAN was I ticked it wasn’t resolved (even addressed!) before the series was canceled. If ever I wanted a particular story finished, that would be it. It’s literally been nagging me for over three years now, at LEAST. (Yay OCD...)

I asked you at the Gathering in Pigeon Forge whether Oberon would ever forgive Puck or not. I remember you smiled and said that “Ever is a really long time”, but that he hadn’t by 2198, and I’d have to wait and see.
I’m willing to wait and see, but the comic being canceled, and the idea that this could be the last Gathering of the Gargoyles has kinda disheartened me. Not that I’m going to give up on hoping; nobody can get rid of me THAT easily.
The question I’m going to ask you is: Will Puck and Oberon EVER be friends again?
I can wait ‘till the Gathering in August, if you like. I can even wait longer than that for an answer, say 2015, but I really am hoping for an answer. In fact, I’d like to hear/read/watch the story; but I realize I’ll have SERIOUS wait for THAT.
So, is it okay if I ask you at the Gathering?

Greg responds...

Grey Wolf,

By now, of course, the Gathering has come and gone, and we discussed this. And the answer hasn't changed much: Puck is still banished in 2198. But that doesn't mean that he and Oberon are at odds, per se. Beyond that...

Response recorded on October 01, 2009