A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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1) Did Tinkerer escape after Spidey interrogated him in "Shear Strength"? (Since he appeared again in "Probable Cause", I'm guessing he did.)
2) Is there a voice modulator in the Green Goblin's mask? (Surely there must be, since it's hard to believe that Norman puts on the Goblin's voice himself).
3) Would you say that the Norman Osborn in The Spectacular Spiderman is more influenced by the Norman of the 60s comics or the post-"resurrection" Norman of the 90s comics?
4) Would you say that the Green Goblin in The Spectacular Spiderman is more influenced by the Green Goblin of the 60s comics or the post-"resurrection" Green Goblin of the 90s comics?
1. Asked and answered.
2. I believe so.
3. Some of each. But mostly the earlier stuff.
4. Mostly the earlier stuff.