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Wolf E. Urameshi writes...

Hey Greg, thanks again for answering my questions. But I'm afraid I need to ask again in regards to this one: http://s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=11500 (the one about "switching" voice actors.)

You didn't answer my question. You evaded it with another question, didn't you? :P Considering today's voice acting market, which now has a lot of great actors and is becoming saturated, there is always a chance that at least one or two of the actors involved with the original Gargoyles show may not be able to join it. I ask again, if you have any alternatives in mind (of course the original actors are better :D, this is a just in case), what would they be? Just mention one or two examples if you're comfortable with it.

Greg responds...

I have NO alternative actors in mind, and I ask YOU AGAIN, why would I? Your explanation for the need for this train of thought seems specious to me. I wasn't EVADING your question, I was pointing out -- as nicely as I could (though I'm less inclined the second time out) -- that your question was, frankly, silly.

It is always possible that old actors might not be available, but why would I ever consider alternatives until circumstances REQUIRED it?

Perhaps you think that your question itself will auto-generate all sorts of hypothetical thoughts on this subject on my part, but it doesn't. I'm uninterested.

Response recorded on November 24, 2009