A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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I just noticed a question you answered concerning Duval/Percival. If I had not seen the two names adjacent to one another I would never have seen any potential connection. I know that the name Percival is derived from parsi - fal or "pure fool."
I have no idea what Duval means, although I now see the structural similarity in the name.
I also have absolutely no recollection of these characters from your story. I only know the names from the context of Arthurian legend.
I like fools. It bothers me that I did not see the meaning to be decoded in the name Duval before now. I shall need to go investigate it.
Perhaps you will save me from the effort? Or at least acknowledge if you intended a connection?
You mean the -val suffix? Yes, I did intend the connection.
As far as I can recall, the name Percival never occurs in the 66 episodes of Gargoyles that I was involved in. The revelation about him came from a contest we held here at ASK GREG. "Name the Arthurian Survivors". I believe Todd won that one, though I can't recall if he was the first to guess Percival.
Duval is mentioned only once in the series. In "The Journey". My last episode and the first episode of the Goliath Chronicles.