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Phil writes...


I've been reading and re-reading Clan-Building 2 this past week and I love it. I think I finally understand it well enough to ask a question.

In the Stone of Destiny story arc, how did the convoy end up using the "trick car" with the rotating trap door? And how was Xanatos able to drive away with it after the Stone was "safely" transported back to Scotland? (I have theories, but they may be considered ideas so I'll refrain from suggesting them.)

Thanks for everything. I'm looking forward to getting Bad Guys: Redemption and whatever future Gargoyles stories are coming.

Greg responds...

Xanatos has, of course, resources. And I'll be honest, it seems unimportant to me to spell out EXACTLY how he happened to get the trick car in there, but I like to think his company (or a subsidiary) provided the cars. After the "Stone" was delivered, it seems somewhat simple for him to reclaim possession of the "empty" car and drive off with it.

Response recorded on January 05, 2010