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gipdac writes...

1. When was Katana hatched?
2a. How old is Katana biologically when Brooklyn & Co. return to Manhattan 1996?
2b. How old is Katana chronologically when Brooklyn & Co. return to Manhattan 1996?
3. What year did Katana and Brooklyn first meet?
4. I hope this doesn't sound vulgar because it's not meant to be, but when did Brooklyn and Katana find time to mate with Nashville hanging around? I just imagine lots and lots of awkwardness:-Z

Greg responds...

1. I'm not revealing that at this time.

2a. Same age as Brooklyn.

2b. I'm not revealing that at this time.

3. I'm not revealing that at this time.

4. Parents manage. (Otherwise, I wouldn't have TWO kids myself.)

Response recorded on January 28, 2010