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Hey, Greg.
Lately, I've been going a little crazy because my old homemade VHS tapes of Gargoyles got eaten by my VCR, so I can't get my fix and as we all know Disney's not released the full series because they don't feel that the prior DVD sets have sold well enough to warrant a full-series release. With the cost of manufacturing DVDs becoming cheaper and Disney having now bought Marvel Comics (who once published a Gargoyles magazine for a while back in the mid-'90s), do you think we're any closer to getting the full series on DVD? I've signed a number of on-line petitions and even requested that Amazon.com reviewers do the same, but all to no avail. In your mind, other than a miraculous sale of all existing copies of the first two DVD sets, what would get Disney to change their minds and release the rest of the series?
Dorkus McGee
A die-hard Gargoyles fan
I don't know. Honestly.