A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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During "This Day in Gargoyles Universe History" you posted the following events.
1997: July 19th. Goliath makes a bargain.
1998: August 14th. Vinnie visits family.
1999: June 25th. Lexington goes into business.
2001: June 22nd. A crisis brings together representatives of four clans.
2002: June 28th. Vinnie's quest begins.
2003: June 27th. Lexington holds a press conference.
2004: August 6th. Goliath is briefly forced into hiding.
2005: July 29th. Lexington takes a chance and loses.
2006: June 23rd. Obsidiana comes to the United States of America.
2007: June 22nd. Lexington continues his journey.
Now, obviously these are all Gathering dates (the Fridays of each Gathering), and I've noticed they tend to coincide with who one of the Special Guests was.
So, I'm curious... what happened in the Gargoyles Universe on the following two dates?
June 27, 2008; and August 21st 2009?
Not saying.