A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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This is touching on the type of theoretical questions you hate, but Iâll attempt itâ¦
Are there any shows you watch that you wish you were involved in? Any shows you are glad you werenât involved with because you wouldnât want it any other different than it is? Any shows you didnât enjoy, but think you could have made the concept shine? I donât necessarily mean something you worked on and it didnât work out, (like when you wrote the series bible to Roswell Conspiracies or the like), I mean even seeing a cartoon as an adult that you enjoyed as a child and thinking âif I were doing thatâ¦â. That creative itch that sometimes hits when watching a show and really wanting to play in that sandbox.
I figure either you'll hate this question or one or two examples will suddenly spring to mind.
Yeah... I would have loved to work with Joss Whedon on Buffy or Angel or Firefly. Not that I think I would have improved on it, but I would just have loved to play in that world with the master.
There are cartoon series I was really jealous of, like the MTV Spider-Man series. But (no surprise) I'm over that now.
I haven't seen anything but a few clips of the upcoming series, so this isn't a comment on it per se, but I would have loved to do an Avengers series. Frankly, I would have loved to have taken what we did on SpecSpidey and widened it, building an entire Marvel Universe. It's one of the things that's so fun about Young Justice. We're not just adapting YJ or Teen Titans, but the entire DC Universe (or one of them (#16) anyway).
The Highlander TV series was one where I thought it had moments of greatness, but was also a bit of a mess at times. I would have loved the POWER (Bwahaha) to grab the reins of that one.
I'm sure there are plenty of other examples, as I have generally -- and I'm not proud of this -- lived a professional life filled with (and marred by) tremendous ENVY. I just can't think of any others at this time. At least not any others that wouldn't get me in some trouble. ;)