A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hi Mr. Weisman, I'm from Italy and I'm a big fan of the Gargoyles since 1997(when the tv series arrives for the first time in my country).
My question is about the dvds(season 1 and season 2 volume 1) and the comic books: do you know by chance when they will released in the other countries?
Maybe if will happen the sales will increase more and then there will be hope for Gargoyles 2 season volume 2, what do you think?
Well I hope my english is understandable, and so goodbye Mr. Weisman.
Your English is great. But my answer unfortunately remains the same: I don't know. I would think the comic books (in English) would be available on-line for anyone. Same with the DVDs but they might not work on non-American machines.