A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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In the 201st epsiode of the show "South Park," Comedy Central censored the final monologue from the character Kyle.
I think some extreamists threatened Comedy Central/Paramount, and they bowed down.
I don't know if you watch "South Park," but "South Park" has always gone way over the line, to disgusting levels at times, but has never been censored save profanity "F" and "Sh" words.
My questions is: From your point of view, do you think Comedy Central/Paramount went too far, or do you think they were justified in their actions? Or, do you think "South Park" finally went too far? (IE, it's creators?)
My knee-jerk reaction is to be anti-censorship, but since I know none of the particulars of this specific incident, it would be irresponsible to take any stand. (And, no, that's not a veiled request to get me more info.)