A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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I purchased the graphic novels since I wanted to finish the stories from the comic books. After reading clan building again it made me try and find news about the gargoyles continuing in some way because I really enjoyed the show/comic. After being disappointed again for lack of good news, I went to imdb.com just to check out some of the actors. After seeing how many wonderful and "big name" actors were involved an idea hit me. So here is my question. I am sorry if it was asked already, is there a way to maybe some of these famous actors could be contacted? Then with some of them on board maybe they in-turn would be able to contact Disney on at least getting the last half of season two released. Maybe it is wishful thinking but it seems that they enjoyed the show as much as the fans did. Plus they have clout that we "fans" don't have. Maybe through their connections we can actually get that little bit of closure. I mean if I could play the game six degrees of Kevin Bacon and get to Robert A. Iger, surely then these actors have a more linear connection that could yield results. Just a thought and hope.
thank you and I hope to see the dvds and more comics/graphic novels
Actors have WAY less clout than you seem to think they have.