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Amanda writes...

dear greg

i grew up with gargoyles, infact, it helped me grow... when i was 9 i was shy and by coping brooklyns personality i grow in to a crazy person and i wanted to thank you... because with out gargoyles i would have never learned to draw and be an arist and now i am the top artist at my school.

and now my questiom: as you my know (and im sure this has been asked) lots of old shows have been remade in to these big epic moves (transformers for example) and i was wondering if there was anychance for a live action gargoyles movie? i know hundreds of people who would be so happy! so is there any chance??

Greg responds...

It's a confusing question right now, Amanda. Please check the ASK GREG Archives under "Live-Action Movie" to learn more.

Response recorded on September 18, 2010