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Angela writes...

I've been a fan for many years! Kudos on the show, it's wonderful. I must also admit that even though I love the show I hate having to wake up at 4:00 am to watch it.
As to my inquiry...
I understand that you are no longer with Disney; however, I wondered if you had any more recent information than I've been able to find on:
1.) the release of the remaining episodes to dvd and
2.)what happened to the plan for the live action version that was in the works.
If you are unable to help me, could you please direct me (if possible) to the Disney website, persons name, or specific company I need to begin a letter writing campaign to (waking up at 4:00 am is killing me, but it's on!! LOL!!)
I hope the show is returned to you in the near future. It was amazing and I believe deserves another chance, particularly with the rise in interest in the supernatural television shows. Good luck to you with this and all your other projects and thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

I have no new information to report, I'm afraid. And no contacts for you either, I'm afraid. Maybe some of the fans do, however. You can ask at the Station 8 comment room, for example.

Response recorded on November 19, 2010