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Chris Spider writes...

So glad Young Justice is back! Anyway, I just had a few questions this time around:

1. Is there any particular reason you decided to cover much of the backstory for characters like Kid Flash, Miss Martian, and Robin in Issue #5 of the tie-in comic instead of the show itself? It's an interesting decision, to say the least.

2. How closely did you work with the writer of the first six issues of the book?
3. How many retakes do you generally have to do? MOI's animation for the show has been incredible so far, so I wondered if there were hiccups like you had in, say, Gargoyles.

4. Did BS&P really not catch that quick panty shot of Chesire? I was rather amazed you guys got away with it.

5. Mark Rolston is an intriguing choice for Lex, having only done a little previous VO work, and none with you guys. How did you, Brandon and Jamie come to cast him in the role?

Anyway, can't wait to see where the show goes next!

Greg responds...

1. We only have so much airtime. There is a lot of backstory and STORY that we'd love to cover that we just don't have the room for on air. Even WITH the comic, there's still a ton we don't have room for. But the comic does provide us with a second bite at the apple, so to speak. Everything you NEED to enjoy the series is in the series. Everything you NEED to enjoy the comic is in the comic. But I believe you get more out of both by enjoying both.

2. Very closely on the basic story concepts, which were all ideas that Brandon, Kevin and I came up with. Then we tried to give Art and Franco as much freedom as possible on the scripting... though I did kibbitz a bit here and there. Particularly on issues #5 and #6 to get the backstories feeling the way we wanted them to.

3. There are always retakes but MOI and LOTTO have both been great partners.

4. I didn't catch it. Only the fans caught it.

5. Actually, I worked with Mark on Max Steel and remembered him being great in that - and in many live-action things I've seen him in. In addition, Mark is the father of one of my daughter's friends. We've socialized occasionally, so he was in my head. I think his Lex is fantastic. Mark/Lex just owned every scene of episode 110 he was in, I thought. "Adorable."

Response recorded on October 13, 2011