A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hello, Greg
1. In âDrop Zoneâ, while Kid Flash was examining the Kobra Venom properties, he notes that it is three times stronger than the Blockbuster formula, and permanent. Man, was I surprised when I saw Desmond in âTerrorsâ still in his mutated form. I am guessing the Blockbuster formula is permanent, too, right? If so, what was the point of differentiating the Kobra Venom from Blockbuster on the grounds of one being permanent and the other not being permanent?
2. In âIndependence Dayâ, when Aquaman tried to calm Roy down, Roy angrily talked back to him, and made sure to tell him he was not his son. Roy then turned to Green Arrow and said, âIâm not even his.â Roy is adopted in this universe, correct? Why did he have to bring that up to Green Arrow? What was the point?
3. Is Superboyâs birthday Independence day?
1. Kid Flash was differentiating Kobra Venom from Venom (i.e. what Bane uses) not from Blockbuster.
2. I'll leave that to your interpretation.
3. Nope.