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Jeff H writes...

Hey Greg,

First of all, thanks for the great work on Young Justice. It is incredibly enthralling and engaging. I definitely feel the same investment to catch every episode week to week as I did with Spectacular Spider-Man. The great ingenuity in storytelling is quite apparent here as it was in SSM.

I've had the great pleasure to catch the latest episode, Image, and I had noticed something in the end during the scene between Queen B and Miss Martian. It seems that during some angles in the scene, there is someone in the corner, hiding in the shadows, watching the whole exchange. I couldn't tell if what I saw was genuine or a pixel issue due to my TV being quite outdated, and I tried confirming it by watching the rerun, but to no avail. I have a belief that it was Robin in the corner, but can you confirm this? If the figure was meant to be ambiguous, can you confirm that here was a figure in the corner at the very least? Or are my eyes just seeing things? Thanks for your time.

P.S. Huge kudos to the introduction of Gar. What a fantastic approach to such a fun character as well as the references in the Hello, Megan credits.

Greg responds...

I think you're seeing things, I'm afraid. Let's blame the pixels.

Response recorded on July 17, 2012