A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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If this double posts I'm sorry, whoever the admin is can remove this only if it is a double post.
I saw your answers to my questions, or one of them anyway, but I also noticed that I left out the second question.
The companion comics have a date of say April '12 on them (issue 12) but that comic came out in January '12. Was this intentional or were the comics finished sooner than expected? I was waiting for the questions to open back up to ask this, and when asked, I messed up and left out my question.
I've noticed this trend when looking at the page on the comic website I order from. I may be wrong, I don't know.
One added thing, I noticed looking at the comic site, that Issue 14 has a different look than 1-13, any reason why the change in the way you display the issue number.
I've never really understood why comics' cover dates don't ACTUALLY reflect the dates they come out. (For example, it's currently July as I write this but our "September" issue just hit the shops, stands, etc.) But it's a fairly universal thing. Not at all specific to YJ.