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Orio, again writes...

[I am re-submitting my questions in a suitable format; my old post was under the same name and asked the same questions. It would be helpful if it could possibly be deleted. I'd like to apologize for blurting out all my questions, it's just that I was all excited about posting because I never had before and I felt like I wouldn't be able to get everything I wanted to get asked put in before the queue closed. I have no idea how things work around here as far as that.]
6. Who is Aqualad closer to? Garth or Roy?
7. Are Aqualad's water-bearers some type of machine, or are they of magical origin?
8. How close is Aqualad to Robin?
10. Do Atlanteans eat fish, or are they opposed to the idea?

Greg responds...

6. Garth, probably. But he's close to Roy too.

7. They're Atlantean tech designed to work in concert with and augment Atlantean sorcery.

8. About a foot and a half.

9. There is no #9.

10. Most eat fish. Some are vegetarians.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012