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Allan calderini writes...

I am sorry if you answer this question that I ask but I think you are going to erase my past post so.
First Hi Greg I am a big fan of yours from Honduras.My little brother love your show his favorite character is Superboy. I am new to this stuff so please be patience for the questions I ask.
1I know this is not an anime but are you going to ever release an album containing the soundtracks ,sounds, and background music that is use in young justice?Because they are some that I love.
2Do cartoons series release albums that contains music like the openings and endings?
I know they are silly questions but can you answer them please.:)

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"Not currently. But hopefully someday..."

[Response recorded on September 25, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 26, 2012