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I posted questions up here before that you answered, so thanks for answering them. Loving season 2 so far, the new characters seem fun and I hope the older charaters get some of the spotlight.
I only really have 2 questions so far, both relating to Miss martian.
1.) so, I didn't really get the design change until ep 2. is the reason for her change of appearance because she looked like Beast boys mom, and she changed her appearance so he wouldn't feel like she was trying to replace her. btw, love their relationship.
2.) She acted really dark. was that darkness the reason superboy broke up with her, a result of the break up, or just a new attitude she developed after 5 years as a superhero and seeing what most villans will do.
Really liking her character. I never disliked meg, but she was probably my least favorite in season 1, she didn't grow on me till failsafe. Keep up the good work greg, and thanks for giving us this series....MY LIFE NOW HAS MEANING.
ps. loved mae as wondergirl <3
unrelated to the show, did you watch avatar the last airbender, and if so then did you cast her because you liked her in it?
1. I'm going to leave this to viewer interpretation.
2. Ditto, though by now you should have enough info to make an informed interpretation.
3. Thanks... but if YJ is what gives your life meaning...