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Hey Greg,
i have absolutly fallen in love with Young Justice. Lex Luthor has always been my favorite DC Character and I love the way he is portrayed on your show. So I have a couple of Lex centric questions.
1) In the Young Justice universe is LexCorp one of the world's leading scientific organizations/companies? Similar to Wayne Enterprises and Star Labs
2) In Agendas Lex states "I'm the new chairman of the board for Project Cadmus, was that just to gain Superboy's trust or does the Light consider him the head of that particular project?
3) Again one more Lex type question, was Lex and the Light involved with the founding of Cadmus or did they just take over an existing organization?
1. We think of Star Labs, differently, but yes, it's similar - theoretically - to Wayne Enterprises.
2. He's definitely the head. It was the word "new" that was bologna.
3. They founded it.