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Hiya,Greg, man I am even more psyched for this show now. The writing has really stepped it up. One thing bugs me though. Miss Martian. Under that sweet, cutesy exterior I really feel we have someone who is and should not be taking liberties and doing what she does. It's creepy and insidious what she does and I am thinking, Conner's instincts are leading him the right direction because she feels dangerous to me. This ability to invade minds...it bugs me.
I don't think as well, her being a shape shifter justifies her being with Conner as said by Alana. Dude needs to move on...no, cross that. He needs to allow himself to grow and experience the world. He is 5 year old kid. Kudos on Conner's emotional/psychological growth too. He seems less angry too and more in control.
And as for Lagoon Boy, why is he already slated as the "jerk"? He looks like a fish and acts no different to any boisterous teenager. This was the same thing said about Wally. I like underdogs. I feel sorry for him in a way. Anyway, I can't wait to see what the JL got up to in the 16 hours they were off world!!! Great, suspenseful, intelligent writing!!! And gorgeous crisp animation!