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K. As much as I loathe Season 2...
I have to say/ask:
1. Some of you love Season 2. Awesome. Good for you. Some of us hate it. Loving the new season doesn't give you the right to tell everyone else to "get over" anything, keep their opinions "to themselves" or to not post their feelings here. It's not your board. It's Greg's. Some negative reactions have been "approved". That tell you anything? It should. Yours is not the only acceptable opinion in the world or in YJ fandom (former or otherwise).
2. Liking/missing the relationship aspect of season 1 (and asking what happened?) does not make someone a "shipper". Stereotypes are just that. I moved out of my parents' house when I was 16. Got tattooed. Got into fights. Lived on the streets. Pulled myself up by my bootstraps, so to speak. I now have a good life. Have always had an active "intimate" life and have decent social skills. But? I LIKE COMIC BOOK MYTHOLOGY. See? Not a "geek" or "fanboy", etc. So much for being able to pigeonhole people based on what they like. Relationships are part of the story. Like costumes, to a degree. If Robin started wearing clown shoes, a ball-gag and a pirate hat, somebody might express their displeasure. Does that make them a "'stumer"? No. This isn't the "Big Bang Theory", so let's not entertain these insipid stereotypes.
3. WHY DO YOU PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW HOW OLD CHARACTERS ARE!?!? Every other question is "how old is Alfred?" "how old is Sphere?" "what is Batgirl's hat size?" Does this really matter... to anyone, on any level? Does not knowing Blue Beetle's exact age, Teekl's high school locker combination or Hawkgirl's bra size really keep you awake at night? If you enjoy season 2, just watch it, enjoy the ride and stop sweating the small stuff! Some of us are backside hurt over the time skip and quit watching after season 1! You're lucky if you're not one of us! Just be happy and enjoy the show.
1. So you came onto MY board to tell others off? Fun times.
2. I really think you're posting this stuff in the wrong place.
3. So, you want the right to ask and/or comment on whatever YOU want to ask and/or comment about, but it bothers you that other people are doing the same? People have different interests. How does that take skin off your back?
Look, I'm sorry if you feel 'backside hurt', but you posted this after - at most - the second episode of the season. We didn't ditch out on relationships, even vaguely. You just lacked, what's the word I'm looking for? Oh, yeah. ANYTHING RESEMBLING PATIENCE. And I think your somewhat defensive, not to mention hypocritical post here demonstrates that.
Having said all that, I'm basically shrugging here. There's no law that says you have to like ANYTHING, let alone Young Justice: Invasion. But the exact same creative team worked on both seasons, and care deeply about all the characters. If you liked Season One enough to care this much about it, you might have given us a little trust and taken the chance that maybe, just maybe, we had a plan, and the characters you loved and the relationships that help define them, would not be left out of the mix. Just a thought.