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Hey Greg,
You mentioned that you received a list of pretty much every teen hero in the DC Universe, from which you and the rest of the creative staff picked the show's line-up. Did you ever, upon learning about a character, think "Wow, what a stinker! This guy is crud. Yeah, we're not using him/her." I'm NOT asking you to name specific characters obviously, but did you ever have that reaction at some point in the process?
No, that's not what I 'mentioned'. I didn't 'receive' a list. I put the list together myself.
I'm making a big point of this, because I see this happen all the time. I write something, however innocuous. And then like a child's game of telephone it moves through the fandom - on one board or another - and soon enough people are posting (with TREMENDOUS CONFIDENCE, mind you) that they know X is going to happen because "GREG SAID SO." When in fact, I never did. (Heck, sometimes I said literally the opposite.) Trust me, I see this over and over and over again. Sometimes, it's amusing, sometimes annoying, sometimes infuriating.
So I think it behooves us all to STICK TO THE FACTS and to KEEP THE FACTS STRAIGHT.
Now, back to your actual question: there are obviously some characters that are more interesting to me than others. Sometimes because I'm more familiar with them. Sometimes because they suit our needs. Sometimes because they're just flat out cool. And there are always going to be others - in a universe as big as DC's - that don't grab me as much. But there's honestly not one character on our teen hero list that I'd rule out absolutely. As I've said before, if we can make Professor Ojo kinda cool, there's little I'd be afraid to take on with this crew of talented folks on YJ.