A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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In the comics, Bumblebee could not use her suit to shrink, nor did she have a relationship with the Atom, but in Young Justice she can shrink and is the Atom's sidekick/lab partner/student something (as of my asking this, only Earthlings has aired). These two traits wouldn't happened to be derived from another bee-themed superheroine owned by a certain other comic company, would they?
Our show was NOT the first time Bumblebee shrunk. We got it from existing sources. So you'd have to ask the creators of those sources if Wasp was an influence on them. We are - as far as I know - the first to make Ray Palmer her mentor, but that mostly fits in with the dynamic of our series, and has nothing to do with Marvel's Wasp, who was in a romantic relationship with Hank Pym, not a mentor/protegee relationship.