A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Thanks for all the work you and your colleagues put into such a great series!
I was curious if this universe has a system for dealing with the property damage that comes with the existence super powered heroes and villains, it's always something I end up thinking about watching animated series.
In terms of..
a. Is the league expected to help the general public repair neighborhoods and cities?
b. Is money privately and publically budgeted for expected damages in high risk cities? (The typical home areas of all the different heroes.)
c. Has it ever become an image/PR problem for the league? Or does the status quo put lives before property and accept it as an inconvenience/blame the bad guys?
Very excited to see where Invasion is going. :) Unexpected but interesting twist.
a. "Expected"? That depends on who we're talking about. But I think they do help when they can.
b. Perhaps.
c. Mostly the latter, but things ebb and flow.
I have the feeling there are entire industries on Earth-16 (insurance, certainly) dedicated to this stuff. In fact, I'll make up one such on the spot: LexSure, a division of LexCorp.