A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Quick question what made you decide to make superman and superboy's relationship like brothers instead of father and son; no problem with it it just seems odd, since it changed the already established "father/son" dynamic? In season 1 batman says to superman "the boy needs his father" and in alienated superman calls superboy "little brother" and in the comics they were played off as 'Cousins'.
I can't speak for the comics, at all.
But I think the whole father/son thing was part of the problem for Superman. When he readjusted his thinking (sometime during the time skip) to regard Superboy as a little brother, it all straightened out fairly easily for both of them.
Ultimately, I believe in a Superman who isn't perfect, but is deep-down, fundamentally, a good guy. He may not have been ready to 'parent' a clone that was created without his knowledge or consent, but he could be a big brother to that clone.