A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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1. Why do the Kroloteans have different horn variations?
2. How did Ocean Master subdue Queen Mera in Issue 15 when he could not use offensive magic?
3. Is the Bio-Ship a common vehicle on Mars?
4. Do you ever get annoyed with people asking you the age of characters?
5. Whose idea was it to include classic Justice League trophies in Alienated?
1. They have castes with different functions. Or put another way, why do some humans have blue eyes and some have brown. We're not all carbon copies.
2. He used defensive magic to turn her own attack back against her. Sorry, if that wasn't clear.
3. Not uncommon, but not commonplace.
4. Not annoyed. It can be a pain. Particularly now that we have so many different timeframes that they might be asking about. It increases the likelihood that I'll get confused and pull the number from the wrong place.
5. Mine, I guess. It actually goes back to a scene that was cut for time from the original script of "Independence Day" (episode 101).