A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Just one question: Why does Bane's pupils dilate when he uses Venom in Drop-Zone, and constrict when he uses it in Usual Suspects? I imagine that the venom formula has changed in the intervening period (because his eyes go bloodshot in Usual Suspect, which doesn't happen in Drop-Zone), but having completely opposite reactions is fairly odd for a chemical that's supposed to have a consistent effect. Was this just a goof or is there a reason for it?
Anyway, just something I noticed. Great job on the series; I'm a constant viewer and a definite fan. Thanks for bringing us such a high quality superhero show!
1. Less of a goof than an inconsistency - assuming your describing it accurately, as I haven't checked myself. But if you want an in-Universe explanation, let's assume you were seeing two different moments in the overall transformation process.