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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,

Watched Alienated yesterday and DARN YOU! You raise a question, answer it, then replace it with more questions! Aqualad's working with Black Manta? Oh that's why but Tula? When? How? What?! And the worst is I know you won't ansswer any of my questions!

But anyway, loved the episode. I enjoyed seeing the interaction between the Bat-Family, Connor & Clark, Cassie & Diana. Very cool. and I'm starting to really like Jaime & the scarab arguing. Am I correct in assuming he hasn't told anyone the scarab telepathically talks to him? Oh yeah, I like the foreshadowing of "The Competitor". I mean, I know it's the Reach, which is why they freak out when they see Blue Beetle.
Anyway, eagerly awaiting next week!

Greg responds...

"Am I correct in assuming he hasn't told anyone the scarab telepathically talks to him?": As of 'Alienated', no.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012